
peanut butter oven

if my throat doesn't feel better soon i'm going to go fucking apeshit. i already kind of am. it's not even a sore throat it is the taste of ROTTING that accompanies it. i'm also going to lose my mind if my hair doesn't start growing to how i want it to. every other girl still looks like a total babe when their hair is in the "awkward grow-out stage" NOT FAIR.
it is insanely retarted that my baby sister is in toronto and that AA are taking all of her time. she can't even get ONE BEER. i am excited to go buy some 2$ gotchies and socks tomorrow though. not going to lie.
i think i might be having another quarter life crisis. the first one i landed working in a sinutab factory in brockville. i'm terrified how this one is going end up. maybe it's just going to end though and all mind fucks will just bury themselves away for my 3/8's life crisis, 1\2 life crisis, 3/4 life crisis blah blah blah.
oh yeah and all the fuckers that work at the toronto humane society and didn't realize something was TERRIBLY WRONG should never work again and get eaten by rabid cats. like they should end up like that lady that got her face pulled out by that child chimpanzee or something.
on a positive note: happy birthday to meli. can't wait for beers at dunn right with the best girl!

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